Friday, May 13, 2011

Howard Hughes Blues

"If he didn't have a nickel, if he didn't have a dime, he could do whatever he damn well pleased.  And he could do it all the time. Success is just a mess of over-dos.  Well poor old Howard Hughes and all of his blues!"

This post comes at the heels of borrowing a new book from a friend last week.  I haven't posted in a while and was hoping I would be able to include a song I could relate to the Gospel or Biblical truths.  Before I even opened this new book, I had wanted to get creative with a Bluegrass song, specifically John Hartford, because his lyrics are always interesting.  This song, Howard Hughes Blues, is a fast paced but easy listening tune.  Some of the lyrics I use in this post are great but they won't do the song justice.  The highlights of the song lie in John's banjo pickin'.  Make sure you look it up and give it a listen after you read this or click on the link at the end of the post.  Anyway, it is crazy how God works things out.  Only thirty pages into this book, Gospel-Driven Life, I came across the author (Michael Horton) relating Howard Hughes to King Nebuchadnezzar.  There are some startling similarities.  I immediately thought about John Hartford's song about Mr. Hughes, and it gave me something to post.  Enjoy!
Here is an excerpt from the book:
...the tragic last days of Howard Hughes, the extraordinary tycoon who rose to international fame as an industrialist, aviator, and filmmaker.  Tall, dark, and handsome, he had the world at his feet, moving from resort to resort- often purchasing each and occupying the penthouse floor.  In his later years he became increasingly neurotic and reclusive....An out his last four years in the Bahamas...would only speak to his top lieutenants and his now-alienated wife by phone.  Never leaving his room, which was lined with sanitary plastic, he urinated in jars and left them neatly placed throughout his suite.  His hair and fingernails grew long and wild and, in sharp contrast to his previous six-foot-four stature, he weighed ninety pounds at his death and his body could only be identified by fingerprint analysis.  The man that boasted that he was born on Christmas Eve and attracted the gaze of the world's public for decades became a sideshow for prurient gossip magazines. The story of Howard Hughes echoes in my mind as I read the story of Babylon, King Nebuchadnezzar the book of Daniel.  

So in the book of Daniel, in the Bible, Daniel was asked to interpret a dream for the King.  Nebuchadnezzar was a very proud ruler who had an empire built around his own glory, which included the world famous Hanging Gardens.  His rule had reduced Jerusalem and Judah to rubble, losing everything.  His dream was fulfilled, as God told David it would:
28 All this came upon King Nebuchadnezzar. 29 At the end of twelve months he was walking on the roof of the royal palace of Babylon, 30 and the king answered and said, “Is not this great Babylon, which I have built by my mighty power as a royal residence and for the glory of my majesty?” 31 While the words were still in the king's mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, “O King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is spoken: The kingdom has departed from you, 32 and you shall be driven from among men, and your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. And you shall be made to eat grass like an ox, and seven periods of time shall pass over you, muntil you know that the Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom he will.”33 Immediately the word was fulfilled against Nebuchadnezzar. He was driven from among men and ate grass like an ox, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven till his hair grew as long as eagles' feathers, and his nails were like birds' claws. (Daniel 4:28-33, ESV)

Horton goes on to say in Gospel-Driven Life that "Faith in God is generally treated by the powerful of the earth as a crutch for the weak and foolish.  As Neb admired his accomplishments from his lofty penthouse (as did Howard Hughes), he was doubtless of this opinion.  However, he literally lost his mind (as did Howard Hughes).  It is not foolishness, but sanity that recognize the way things really are.  God is Creator and Lord; we are all nothing more than ants pretending to conquer the earth when we merely crawl on top of our own anthill.

The great part is that in this story about King Neb, we see God's grace at work.  He goes on to learn the hard way that God put him in the position he had and could take it away.  God, by His Grace, restored King Neb's empire after he "praised and extolled and honored" God's Kingdom in Heaven.  In verses 36 and 37 of Daniel 4, King Neb says "for all His works are right and His ways are just; and those who walk in pride He is able to humble."

You can see the similarities with both men are amazing.  The wealth and power, the insanity and breakdowns, all the way down to the hair and nails never being cut.  I just felt like the coincidence that led to this post was awesome enough to share.  So, don't get caught up in "Success" if it's not done for the glory of God's kingdom because when it's not, it's "just a mess of over-dos."

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Less Debating, Less Stress, More Gospel!

The Holy Spirit's work and growth in my life, through a deeper knowledge of the gospel, has helped in my stress and wasted breath debating politics.  Number one, I am realizing that my opinion doesn't always have to be heard.  What makes me think that my opinion is so great that everyone needs to hear it.  I have been known as a know-it-all sometimes, especially in debates or discussions in clubhouse and bullpens around the country.  That's not always the best approach.  Trying to prove someone wrong or trying to change someone's viewpoint because you think so highly of your own stance on something can backfire in a lot of situations.  It also is not always shining a humble light on yourself.  So the gospel has shown me that I don't have all the answers to all the personal or political questions of our country.  It has also shown me that I don't HAVE to know it or have an opinion on it.  My worth or identity isn't based on someone else's opinion of me or my ideas.  My worth and justification was purchased by Jesus at the Cross by the Amazing Grace of God.
       Number two, I am realizing that our country is no different than other countries in that it is 100% full of imperfect SINNERS.  The landscape in this country is constantly changing, and in most cases it is for the worst.  Don't get me wrong, I still believe that the United States of America is the best country God ever gave man.  This country has been a Light in an evil world for much of it's young life.  Way more of this light was shone in years past than is being now.  This points to the change for the worst I was talking about.  The Gospel tells us that God uses and changes imperfect men and women for His Glory in His time.  What can we expect from men who aren't led by the Spirit, but are led by the Flesh and their own plans?  I expect problems to arise from that and that is what we are getting.  So my stress level is lowered knowing that is going to happen.  The positive side, The Good News, of the gospel tells us that even though we are sinners God still loves us and has a plan for his people and this earth.  We can put our worries away knowing that in Matthew 28:18 Jesus said, "All authority over Heaven and Earth has been given to Me."  The verse I cling to when I see or hear a Barack Obama speech or a liberal judge try to change the Constitution of the United States, is Romans 13:1.  It states, "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities.  For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God."  If not for the Truth of the gospel, I would be a mess as a Conservative in this country.  I cling to the fact that God is sovereign over everything, including U.S. politics.  God has shown many many times how He uses bad people and terrible situations for His Glory.  I tell you friends to please pray for our leaders.  Know they are not capable to do "good" without the Holy Spirit.  God will glorify Himself in the USA in His time.  I pray it comes sooner than later.  All Glory to God through Jesus Christ.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Hub in the wheel of Truth

"The Gospel isn't the first step in a stairway of Truth.  It is more like the hub in a wheel of truth." -Pastor Tullian

I just want to discuss my growth in grace and knowledge of Jesus.  This quote sums up what has been a big reason for the power in it.  I grew up in a Baptist church where the gospel was mainly talked about towards the end of the sermon on Sundays.  It was used as an "altar call" for non believers.  The gospel was preached as the answer for Christians at conversion and then you grew in your Walk to deeper things that were tough to understand.  Over the years, through learning about God's grace and more about Jesus' sacrifice for our sins, God has shown me the truth of the importance of a gospel-centered focus.  This goes for everything from sermons to alone bible reading to our prayer life and daily life, the gospel applies.
The gospel (Jesus' life, what he did on the Cross for us as sinners, being Risen, and sitting at the right hand of God) is more than just what you believe to be saved.  It is what grows us deeper in our knowledge of God.  The answer is not accept the gospel at conversion and then please God with your works and daily life. The gospel frees us to be ourselves as we live for God's Glory.  The answer is to accept the freely given Grace in salvation, and then grow in that to the truth that you are already accepted and righteous to God because of what Jesus has done.  Grace alone and Christ alone for our salvation and justification.  A gospel-centered, Christ-focused heart, awakened by the Holy Spirit, is the only way to become truly in love with Christ.  When you realize this and hunger for it, you get that Joy in the supremacy of Christ we were created for.  The gospel should and can be applied to all parts of our life.  Pray that God stirs in you to a deeper knowledge of all that the Gospel has accomplished.  I pray God continues to keep me going and growing in Him as I long for more of the gospel everyday.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Peace that can't be understood.

"I've got the Peace that passes understanding down in my heart.  Where?  Down in my heart.  Down in my heart to stay!"
After a week off from writing on this blog, a good topic hit me this morning.  What am I known most for?  What is my identity?  Well, outside looking in, most would describe me as a good guy who is a baseball player.  Pitcher Andy Mitchell.  Well that may well be a past title.  After all of the offseason done gone by and still no offer to stay in MLB affiliated professional baseball, I would say a career change has to come.  Ten seasons of chasing a dream, pitching at a high level in baseball, and traveling all around the country could be over.  God blessed me with a job that was a dream of mine and every boy growing up.  Through this blessing, I was able to take my career past any expectations based on my ability.  It's all an example of God's grace at work in my life, but there is one example bigger than that.  The fact that that part of my life may be coming to an end (still hold out a little Hope to stay in baseball) and I can have this much Peace and calm about my future is amazing.  It all comes down to the Faith I have that God is sovereign over my life.  I know I have to act out His miracles and plans, but I know they are HIS plans.  Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that for those that love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose."  This is one of many verses that give me the calm in such a situation.  This verse is also one that gave Becky peace at a hard time in her life when her mom passed away.  This verse doesn't mean we will be given what we want or think we need.  It means that God's plan is greater than ours.  It means we can rest our Faith on him, no need to worry or try to plan everything in the future.  It also makes me realize that when it does "work for the good" it is working for His purpose.  Our purpose is to glorify God.  
This post is my small way to point the Peace I have towards Him.  I'm not strong enough to handle the disappointment of not getting offered a contract this season.  I'm not strong enough to be patient on the next door to open up.  But Jesus, The Holy Spirit that lives in my heart is strong enough.  This is the same Holy Spirit that stirred in me and called me to open my eyes to acknowledge Christ as Lord.  This past season I sat on an inactive roster for 100 out of 144 games in AAA.  The opportunity God gave me to show Himself in me was great.  I was able to stay patient, upbeat, and be an example for others going through the same thing.  A couple times certain teammates would ask me how I can handle such a situation so well.  I was able to share my Faith and explain the calm I have knowing God is in control and His plan was for me to glorify Him wherever I am placed.  
So this being said, Baseball is great.  I wouldn't want to do anything else if I had the choice.  But as I grow in Christ and grow in a deeper knowledge of the gospel, my main goal is to glorify His name in whatever I do.  I want to get my flesh out of the way so that He can live through me for His purpose.  My identity is not Pitcher Andy Mitchell.  It is Andy Mitchell, child of God by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.  I will still sin and make mistakes by forgetting all of this truth, but as long as I can preach the gospel to myself and others I will feel the truth of being accepted by God and seen as righteous no matter what I do in the future.  Thank you Lord for your Sovereignty, Grace, and Mercy.  I want to know it more and more, this truly Amazing Grace.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What are we "saved" from as Christians?

According to a website I go to frequently, the Gospel Coalition, there is a new book being released by a pretty well known author and Christian speaker named Rob Bell.  The book is titled Love Wins.  Reviews and interviews by Mr. Bell say that the book discusses heaven, hell, and the after-life.  He, and many new-age Christians, suggests that a loving God would not send any of His creation to Hell for punishment.  
To me the idea that a Christian speaker and author, who must read his Bible regularly, can come to this conclusion is just baffling.  Let me just list a few things Jesus himself said about Hell and Eternal Punishment:

-Matthew 25:41- And then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the      Devil and his angels.'
-and verse 46- 'and these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.'
-Matthew 5:22- "...whoever says, 'You fool!' will be liable to the hell of fire."
-Mark 9:43-49- line after line says, "better than to go to hell, unquenchable fire" "thrown into hell" "where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched."

Shouldn't this be enough for us to KNOW that Hell is real.  Any other logic is the same old Satan trick from the Garden of Eden, "You will not surely die..."  When the Fall of Man happened there, everyone was headed to Hell because sin cannot exist around God.  This quote from C.S. Lewis illustrates the gradual you that needs Jesus as redeemer:

Hell begins with a grumbling mood, always complaining, always blaming others . . . but you are still distinct from it. You may even criticize it in yourself and wish you could stop it. But there may come a day when you can no longer. Then there will be no you left to criticize the mood or even to enjoy it, but just the grumble itself, going on forever like a machine. It is not a question of God 'sending us' to hell. In each of us there is something growing, which will BE Hell unless it is nipped in the bud. - C.S. Lewis

Only by God's grace through Faith in Jesus can this sin be nipped in the bud.  We are counted as Righteous and no longer under the bondage of sin.  An undeserved gift of Grace from the Creator of all.  Our sinful hearts replaced with the seal of Christ, adopted as God's children.  The best part is, he pursues you.  Our sin is huge, but God's grace is bigger!

What are we saved from?  By His mercy and grace, we are saved from an all powerful God's wrath and punishment in Hell (a terrible place, apart from God)

So back to Rob Bell's title LOVE WINS.  He says Love Wins because God is only Love, there is no Wrath.  Well that is not biblical.  As for the title, Bell is right, love does win.  It wins because God's love freely saves us from the eternal punishment we deserve and those that do not know Him or accept Jesus as Savior will go there.  This is how you find true Joy in what Christ has done and finished by defeating Sin.  I pray that I can become more compassionate to those who are not in Christ.  I also pray that God will move in their hearts and open their eyes to all of His Glory.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

TIME - Get up, you're wasting your life. - Robert E. Mitchell

TIME - “Get up, you’re wasting your life.” - Robert E. Mitchell

My dad has said that quote to me and my siblings numerous times.  When we heard it, usually we would either laugh at the way he said it or roll back over and tell him to leave our bedroom because we wanted to sleep some more.  For me, it was mostly laughing at the way he said it.  I still remember the tone of his voice when he said it and imitate it to this day.  “Get up!,  yer wastin’ yo life!”  Back then I would laugh it off, but as I’ve grown and matured I see how right he was.  Whether we were sleeping in when chores needed done or sitting inside playing “silly games” like Nintendo, we could have been doing something a lot more constructive.  Not to say we were lazy most of the time because we weren’t.  We spent countless hours outside behind our home in the woods (jungles of Vietnam at times).  We also played thousands upon thousands of innings of Tennis ball baseball in the front yard and neighboring yards.  Our parents also made sure we did our homework and kept up with most of our chores, but that didn’t keep Daddy from keeping us in check during our bouts with laziness.
Moving forward in my life and walk with Christ, I have seen this quote to mean a great deal more to me.  I have had times of wasting my life in a lot more ways the older I’ve gotten.  Now that I manage my time on my own with no parents really around to schedule out the day.  My two biggest time wasters now are sitting in front of the boob tube watching empty reality shows and surfing the internet for nothing in particular.  We all find things to do to pass the time.  I’m sure everyone who reads this will also agree that they spend too much time in front of the computer and/or the T.V.  The point of this post is even deeper than that.
The offseason of 2009 I had a lot of alone time while I was in the Dominican.  In a foreign country the T.V. channel selections leave a lot to be desired.  I am thankful that God used a lot of my down time to work in me.  I spent more time reading His Word then and on bus trips that winter than ever before.  He taught me more about Him, I grew in a deeper knowledge of who He was and how He can live through me.  Those good habits have continued through 2010, with me digging into the Word more frequently with more of an understanding of what I have read.  
This led me to another book I stumbled on this summer, Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper.  The point of this book is to show believers what God wants out of us to further His kingdom.  The book starts off by painting a picture of an older couple just retiring.  They say bye to friends and family and head to Florida for “retirement”.  Piper argues that this kind of retirement is the biggest life waster of all.  It’s not too late for younger folks, but someone in their mid 60s to just spend the rest of their life on earth “collecting seashells” and not impacting others lives is tragic.  Piper also asks, Doesn’t God want more out of us than just the American Dream?  We can learn from this as Christians.  Are we wasting our life and calling from God by keeping to ourselves.  I know I do.  I waste way too much of mine by not thinking of others needs enough or not talking to a stranger when the opportunity might come and go.  We are to live life to the fullest by letting Jesus live through us.  The only way to do this is to “take up our cross and follow him” daily.  This means not doing what we WANT to do all the time.  It means being led by the Spirit and not by our Flesh.  This is another reason I started this blog, to pass on what God is teaching me.  So Lord willing, He will continue to put me in situations to impact others.  I pray He keeps giving me chances to impact other lives for Him even though I’ve “quenched the Spirit” by not doing it so many times.  My prayer in this is that anyone who reads this will be convicted like I am and will spend their time more wisely.  Not on themselves and close family all the time, but spending it for others.  Mainly, by telling others about the joys in Christ through the Gospel.  This is a great way God gets the glory because it is only Him, through you, that can do any good anyway.  Seeing and Loving Him for what He is will give you the only Joy that will cause you to want to do this.  Working to try to do it yourself will not work.  So spend time with Him, in His Word, and let him tell you to...
 “Get up! Your wastin’ yo life!”  It’s great that my earthly father and my Heavenly Father have told me this!  I’m thankful.

Friday, February 25, 2011

How about that?

Part of the reason I started this blog was to find Gospel truths in some of my favorite country songs. (even if it wasn't the songwriters' intentions)  Well, after some researching today it seems that there is another blog that does precisely this.  I have been a "fan" of Moore to the Point blog after reading a great article a few months ago.  He is a pastor named Russell D. Moore and after becoming a fan then, I hadn't gone back to the blog since.  Come to find out, he also has a podcast called The Cross and the Jukebox where he relates religion and music.  Going back through his archives I see he has applied this concept on a few classic country songs.  I still plan on trying to do this some, but I will stay away from songs he has already done.  He doesn't really write about it, he talks about it in audio links.  He does have a very good blog if anyone is interested.  Here is the link to his latest Cross and the Jukebox link and post.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tombstone - Revenge and the Reckoning

Revenge and the Reckoning

My favorite movie of all time is Tombstone.  I have always been drawn to shoot ‘em up movies, especially westerns with a great storyline.  Tombstone has it all.  The deeper I take a look at the movies on my top ten list, the more I see that most of them have a similar underlying subject.  Braveheart, The Patriot, Man on Fire, Legends of the Fall, The Count of Monte Cristo, etc.  They are all stories on the reckoning of a situation or in a sense, revenge!  Why am I so drawn to this subject?  Why does it make me feel so good to see the bad guy get what he deserves?
There are so many verses in the Bible where God shows us that we don’t need to repay evil with evil (Romans 12:17).  Revenge is not what God wants us to pursue when wrong has been done to us or a friend or family member.  For most men this just seems impossible to do.  My sinful flesh almost always wants to take it into my own hands in these situations.  Most of my fights in my adolescent years were me taking up for someone or trying to reckon a situation.  Is it fueled by Pride or fueled out of love for the one you are defending?  Either way, biblically it seems that revenge is never what would should strive for.   We are called to love our enemies (Luke 6:27).  We know God is merciful, why can’t we be merciful to others.  God showed His grace and mercy on me in my salvation and continues to show it through the truth in the Gospel daily.  The truth is it is still a hard sin to battle in a man, but we should resolve to battle it daily.  In the Old Testament, Jonah gets an order from God to go to Nineveh and tell the people that God sees their evil and it has come up against him (Jonah 1:2).  What does Jonah do?  He flees.  Why does he run?  Most people would love the chance to point out evil they see, to be God’s messenger.  Truth be told, Jonah wanted these evildoers in Nineveh to get what they deserved.  So, what was the problem?  Jonah knew two of God’s many great attributes.  He knew the truth of God’s grace and mercy!  Jonah knew that God was going to show mercy to the Ninevites.  He didn’t want this, he wanted God to take revenge on their sins against Him.  He wanted to see the fullness of God’s wrath on all the sinners there.  (Side note:  This deeper look at the story of Jonah is told perfectly in the book Surprised by Grace by Tullian Tchividjian, get it.  It’s awesome.)  So, if God shows this kind of mercy to people (including you and me) who sin against him why can’t we strive to trust Christ for the justice in personal instances.  Romans 9:15 says, “For he says to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”  All of that Truth being said, I will still struggle with this issue and probably always will during my time here on earth.
So back to Tombstone.  A “peak moment” in the movie is when Wyatt has just shot and killed about four men while he was being fired upon with zero cover while he was in the middle of the creek.  After this scene, Doc, Texas Jack, and Turkey Creek Jack Johnson (love the names by the way) are talking about what happened.  Texas Jack asks where Wyatt is and Doc says, “…down by the creek, walking on water.”  This is followed by Turkey Creek saying,” well if it were my brothers I’d want revenge too.”  Doc then goes on to say the kicker, “make no mistake, it’s not revenge he’s after, it’s the reckoning.”  I’ve always loved that line.  It pumps me up every time.  They see Wyatt’s chase of the Cowboys as revenge for his brothers, but it was truly Wyatt wanting the reckoning.  The reckoning is better than revenge, it’s the final decision.  The ending of the situation.  Wyatt was gonna get this reckoning of everything by seeing a red sash and killing the man wearing it!  Bringing an end to the terror the Cowboys have caused, not only to his family, but the whole town.  A true story of revenge and reckoning that I love to see over and over.
Now what does the Gospel say about our reckoning and our justice.  If we are all being honest, we are sinners against God and don’t deserve eternity with Him.  He is perfect and blameless, Jesus lived His life this way battling against the same temptations and human urges.  He is victorious over Sin.  The Bible says the wages of Sin are death.  Our sin deserves the punishment of Hell as our reckoning for these wrongs.  The Gospel tells a different story.  Through our freely given Grace and Salvation by Faith in Jesus, we are not going to feel God’s wrath.  Not because of any good works we have done, as a whole our sins are what killed God’s son.  What would you do if someone killed your son?  Honestly, I would be looking for revenge.  Here is what God’s grace through the Gospel does for us:
Romans again says in Chapter 4:5-8, “to the one that does not work, but trusts him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is RECKONED as RIGHTEOUS.  So also David pronounces a blessing upon the man to whom God RECKONS RIGHTEOUS apart from works.  Blessed are those whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered;  blessed is the man against whom God will not RECKON his sin.”
*A daily reminder of the Truth in the Gospel will help in our fits of wanting revenge instead of putting our trust in God’s sovereign justice.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thoughts on classic country hit, The Grand Tour by George Jones

The Grand Tour by George Jones

This great song starts off with and ends with, "Step right up, come on in."  Those six words give the listener an instant invitation into the heart of the singer.  The tour he takes us on shows the emptiness literally in his home and figuratively in his heart.  When I first heard this song, back in my younger years, I assumed he was telling the story of a man who had a wife who lost her life after years of marriage.  This is not the case, though the song leads you to believe this until the last line which is "Oh she left me without mercy, Taking nothing but our baby and my heart."  This woman left this man in an urgent way.  She bolted, taking only her baby.  She left her expensive jewelry, most of her wardrobe, and at least some baby items.  This leads you to believe her life was in danger.  You have to assume this story has a history of domestic abuse of some kind (at least mentally).  So the listener goes from feeling sorry for this old man who has lost his wife in her golden years to a shocking revelation that she didn't die, she quickly got out of dodge and took their child with her.  It reminds me of the movie Enough with Jennifer Lopez.  In the movie she was being beaten by her husband and the child was becoming dangerously close to being struck too.  Before this could happen, JLo's character took the kid and left town.  So in The Grand Tour I am assuming a similar situation.  After the story concludes the song ends with those six words again, "Step right up, come on in."  Almost letting us know there is more to the story.  It leaves us interested in what happened the days or years before he invited us in for the Tour.  So titling my blog after this country hit is not a way for me to announce a similarity to this song and my life.  Let me make it clear, I would never lay a hand on a woman or child in anger.  Though I do relate this blog to the "Step right up, come on in" line.  I want to use this blog to let folks into my life and thoughts of current events and interesting topics.  Therefore, this IS a Grand Tour by Mitch and who knows, there might be a twist at the end that is unexpected.  So in the honor of Southern Hospitality, step right up and come on in to take my online Grand Tour.  

Gospel thoughts from the song and situation:
There is a basic and simple relation in this song.  The beginning of this post mentions an emptiness in his home and heart stemming from the loss of his companion.  It almost seems like his whole worth comes from having this security and person in his life.  I'm sure he had trouble showing his love to her seeing how she went AWOL on him.  Nonetheless, he definitely feels a void in his heart with her and the baby now gone.  It is apparent that he needs more in his life, a since of purpose, a true joy rooted in something that never fails.  The Gospel and only the gospel does this.  We are all broken, imperfect people and the only way we can have true joy as we are designed is for us to take what God did through Jesus in the gospel and allow God to make that our identity.  Nothing else can give us the true satisfaction in our life, the Gospel is permanent.  So the man in this song needs to hear and apply the words from one of my favorite authors and preachers Tullian Tchividjian.  He tweeted recently, "When you understand God’s grace, pain leads to freedom because deep suffering leads to deep surrender!"  Maybe a situation like his in this song will finally reveal his sin and need for a savior found only in Jesus Christ.  What does God offer to us through His Son?  The answer:  An entrance into His Kingdom, "Step right up, come on in."

Welcome to the Grand Tour by Mitch

I'm excited.  Welcome to my new blog, The Grand Tour by Mitch.  My goal in this will be to give you a tour of my life, my opinions, my thoughts on issues of the day.  These issues will be on Christian Theology, my family life, political issues, sports, and music (mainly country).  I want to use this blog to relate the most important thing in my life, The Gospel of Jesus, to the issues and subjects I am most interested in.  This will not only be an entertaining read for those interested, but will also be beneficial in my Walk.  Expect a lot of posts about my wonderful wife and kids.  They are the center of my life on earth and the biggest part of my everyday life.  My career in baseball should also take a front and center look on this blog.  After spending ten years in the Orioles organization, I have a lot of experience and insight to throw into subjects in Major League Baseball.  I am a conservative when dealing with Government and Politics, so expect some strong opinions on heated discussion in our country today.  I expect a number of posts to get my creative juices going.  These will be trying to relate the Gospel to current and classic country music hits.  I reckon I better start off with George Jones' The Grand Tour since I borrowed the title for this blog.  Coming soon...